How To Get Stone Can In Merge Mansion 2022 (2025)

1. The Beginning | Merge Mansion Wiki | Fandom

  • Game Play Tips · Story · Statistics

  • This chain is associated with the Ignatius Boulton Event. Stone Gate (L6) drops Small Tin Can (L1-L4). ( Blossoming Bush used to drop Small Tin Can (L1-L2) but this is no longer the case after the May 2022 update.) Stone Can is used to complete "The Grand Drive" Area. The other parts of the chain are not needed anywhere. Ignatius' first tin can. Earned enough to make another. His second tin can. Earned him his first dollar. Boulton Cans, Ltd. was born. Ignatius earned a princely sum. Demand was

2. Garden Statue | Merge Mansion Wiki - Fandom

  • Since the May 2022 update, the GardenStatue06 Garden Statue is now the only way to get the TheBeginning13 Stone Can which is used to complete "The Grand Drive" ...

  • Garden Statue is an item in Merge Mansion. It is used in the Ignatius Boulton Event. Since the May 2022 update, the Garden Statue is now the only way to get the Stone Can which is used to complete "The Grand Drive" Area. You get the Rock as a Reward for your Main Board by playing the Story Event Ignatius Boulton. *The 1 XP Star drops upon merge and does not repeat. Item drops generate repeatedly unless parent item is destroyed or sold. **Double Bubbles only appear for Levels 2 or higher, as they

3. How do I play the Ignatius Boulton Story Event? — Merge Mansion ...

4. Merge Mansion - The .. - How to get the Stone Can for the Statue?

  • Feb 15, 2021 · This is a hard item to get and can take some time to complete. You'll need the level 13 product from the items you get from the planted bush.

  • How to get the Stone Can for the Statue?. Find answers for Merge Mansion - The Mansion Full of Mysteries on

5. Ignatius Boulton (Event) - Merge Mansion Wiki - Fandom

  • Stone Can. You earn rewards by levelling up. Levelling up: To level up you need to collect IgnatiusBoulton01 Ignatius Boulton, these are generated by the ...

  • Ignatius Boulton is a Story Event in Merge Mansion. It is used to obtain the Stone Can. Prerequisites: This event only opens once you have the "Fix Missing Item" Task which is unlocked at the beginning of Frog Pond Falls. How to get to it: Once you unlock the event, it will be available via the event button on the map screen in the upper left hand corner. Reward: Garden Statue. The item reward for this quest allows you to merge Stone Can. You earn rewards by levelling up. Levelling up: To level

6. How to Make a Stone Can in Merge Mansion - Touch, Tap, Play

  • Mar 22, 2022 · To make a Stone Can in Merge Mansion, you have to obtain Seeds from Brown Chests. After that, players have to combine the Seeds to obtain Bush which further ...

  • This article is over 2 years old and may contain outdated information

7. Merge Mansion - The .. - Once I have the stone can for the ..

  • Apr 22, 2022 · Once I have the stone can for the statue, do I need to keep the stones, urns, and stone gate? Question Posted by Guest on Apr 22nd 2022.

  • Once I have the stone can for the statue, do I need to keep the stones, urns, and... Find answers for Merge Mansion - The Mansion Full of Mysteries on

8. Stone Garden | Merge Mansion Wiki - Fandom

  • Stone Garden is the 14th Area in Merge Mansion. It opens up after completing the Pool House Patio. Ultimately it grants access to the Fortress.

  • Stone Garden is the 14th Area in Merge Mansion. It opens up after completing the Pool House Patio. Ultimately it grants access to the Fortress. As a result of being moved back it is easier to complete than the preceding area Pool House Patio with a saw and 2 Bolt Cutters being the hardest items. It requires a lot of screws so it is worth keeping an eye out for screw boxes in the daily tasks. It is also recommended not to sell any screws. It also requires 26 pairs of Deluxe Rubber Garden Gloves (

9. How do You Make a Stone Can in Merge Mansion? - Gamer Journalist

  • Nov 15, 2022 · How do You Make a Stone Can in Merge Mansion? · Merge 2 Rocks to get an Urn Sculpture I · Merge 2 Urn Sculpture Is to get Stone Pillar Is · Merge 2 ...

  • From humble beginnings.

How To Get Stone Can In Merge Mansion 2022 (2025)


How to get stone tin can in Merge Mansion? ›

Completing Level 1 in the event (by collecting 41 XP points in under 3 hours, which is the maximum event time limit) will make you eligible for receiving reward items that are part of the producer that will get you the Stone Can.

How do you get the stone gate in Merge Mansion? ›

When you successfully complete a run of Ignatius Boulton, you will be rewarded with items from the Garden Statue merge chain (such as Rock Level 1). Once you have these items, you need to merge them up to Stone Gate Level 6.

Where can the stone can be found in Merge Mansion? ›

For the unversed, Stone Can is only obtainable via Merge Mansion's Ignatius Boulton event, which becomes open after one unlocks access to The Grand Drive's "Fix Missing Item" task.

How to beat Ignatius Boulton in Merge Mansion faster? ›

Top Tips for Ignatius Boulton
  1. Make sure that you have a lot of energy saved up before starting this event.
  2. Merge the Green XP all the way up to Level 5 in order to maximize your energy usage.
  3. Clear up space on your Main Board in order to merge the Stone Gate and the Stone Can itself.

How to start Ignatius Boulton event? ›

The Ignatius Boulton event gets unlocked at the beginning of Frog Pond Falls. To start it, you need to be able to see the “Fix Missing Item” task in your task list. Once the event is available, start it by tapping on the Events button in the upper left corner on your main page.

How do you get stone in Merge magic? ›

Stone Monuments can be received as level rewards, and can also be found inside Creature Chests and Strong Chests. They function as an infinite supply of Stone Bricks.

How do I get free gems in Merge Mansion? ›

Gameplay Tips
  1. Gems can be obtained from Piggy Banks, season events, or purchased from the. Shop with real money.
  2. Gems cannot be sold, only collected by double tapping.
  3. Since Gems are very rare Currency, it is highly recommended to merge them to. Gem (L4) before double tapping.

What is the white lotus for in Merge Mansion? ›

Mai Britt Iversen the white lotus is used in the landing room which is inside the mansion. Focus on doing your tasks and not just merging items to the highest level.

What is the max items in Merge Mansion? ›

Maximum Item Inventory capacity is 50 slots (update 22.05. 01).

Where do Mosaic stones come from in Merge Mansion? ›

It is possible to get Mosaic pieces by leaving a Level 1, 2, or 3 Vase on your Garage Board for a number of hours. See what happens once that's done! Maybe even try with a few at the same time!

How do you get masonry items in Merge Mansion? ›

Game Play Tips

Masonry is used in some tasks of the Maze and the Cemetery. Masonry can only be obtained while these areas are active. Concrete Mixer.

Are there cheat codes for Merge Mansion? ›

There are no Merge Mansion cheat codes sadly, but there are different tricks that can help you on your way. These include changing the time in your phone's settings, as well as basic tips to optimise your experience.So, what are you waiting for?

What is the point of Ignatius Boulton's event in Merge Mansion? ›

The main item reward here is the Garden Statue, which is used to create "the Beginning" chain in Merge Mansion. The Garden Statue is the only way to get up to Stone Cans that are used to complete the Grand Drive Area. Other rewards can be earned by collecting Ignatious Boultons and leveling up.

How to get the small tin can in Merge Mansion? ›

Game Play Tips
  1. Stone Gate (L6) drops. Small Tin Can (L1-L4).
  2. ( Blossoming Bush used to drop. Small Tin Can (L1-L2) but this is no longer the case after the May 2022 update.)
  3. Stone Can is used to complete "The Grand Drive" Area. The other parts of the chain are not needed anywhere.

How do you get masonry items in Merge mansion? ›

Game Play Tips

Masonry is used in some tasks of the Maze and the Cemetery. Masonry can only be obtained while these areas are active. Concrete Mixer.

Where do the paint cans come from in merge mansion? ›

The Toolbox is your friend! Although it's worth remembering, Paint is quite rare. It can also be found in the Flash Sale and Trade Item Reward Boxes sometimes.

Can you get inside merge mansion? ›

Many players get frustrated as it takes a long time from the start of the game to get inside the Mansion (it can easily take a year from the start of the game to reach the Great Hall). Here are some tips to get there quicker: Play more often (it goes without saying!)

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.